Every Time It Snows

I've decided this morning, that the guy who plows our driveway must be the biggest idiot on earth, if not the greediest son of a bitch on the face of the planet.

He annoys me. Him and his plow barging in at all hours to scrape a driveway clean, regardless of the fact that all he really succeeds in doing, is blocking each and every single car in with a heaping pile of snow, wherever it is they were lucky enough to park.

It doesn't matter to him that 3 in the morning is not the smartest time to plow, considering EVERYONE IS HOME, leaving no place for his plowed snow to go. All that matters is he get us done, so he can move on to his next job, where presumably the money pays much better than whatever chump change our landlord has promised him.

The guy is a nuisance. Waking me up every time he decides that early morning plowing is the way to go. A couple of times, I've flickered on my lights to let him know he's disturbed the peace of at least one individual living in our complex. But if I had to hazard a guess, I would say that he's not the type who cares. Slimy toad!

Sometimes I wonder why everyone associated with hands on maintenance where I live, is more than a few french fries short of a happy meal, when it comes to doing their job, and doing it well. Considering how much money we all pay in rent, this penny pinching seems a bit ridiculous to keep hiring two bit chums whose only purpose in life seems to be to irritate the residents.

But now I must go dig out my car, in hopes that the door has not frozen completely shut so that warming it up this morning, doesn't take the jaws of life to get the damn thing open.

Meanwhile, the tele has reported that KC's day is off to a much better start than mine ... She's got no school.

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