After freezing my toes off, though had I thought about it, I could have probably slipped into a pair of sneakers while I was waiting, KC has finally boarded her bus to school.

Closing the door in relief, I took a momemt to shake my head and clear all the bad thoughts of a morning where according to KC, everything was wrong. Right from the start, it was obvious that someone had woken up on the wrong side of the bed - though considering her mood, wrong side of the hemisphere seems more appropriate - and KC was doing everything in her power to let me know it.

Her scrambled eggs didn't taste the same today, to which she suggested that perhaps they were not cooked all the way. And then her coveralls were itchy, the ones she couldn't wait to have with their power puff girl emblem emblazed on the front with glitter from head to toe and she couldn't wear them because then she would be feeling squirmy all day and that wouldn't do because it was a gym day.

From there the complaints ranged from the color of her shirt, to the winter hat that would ruin her hair and my making her stay inside until it came closer to the time the bus would be here to pick her up. Meanwhile I prayed the bus would come earlier than its usual time.

But the bus did come and as she was getting on she turned her head to yell one more thing back to me.

"Don't forget we have a half day today!" she yelled before climbing the stairs of the big yellow monster, the doors closing behind her.

I trecked back to the house, mourning my last official day of freedom. So much for getting out of bed today ...

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