Close your eyes I want to see you tonight in my sweet dreams

Guess who broke out the Air Supply tonight ... Believe it or not, it was completely unintentional. I was actually rummaging around my messy computer desk looking for something to listen to, when I stumbled on my Les Miserable CD. Opening the cover, I was not the least bit surprised when instead of finding Les Mis, I found Air Supply.

Cue the little light bulb inside my head as I suddenly remembered, Oh yeah ... that's where I put that. As in DUH!

So now as I'm listening to it, I've come to two conclusions.

1. Just because something is on sale, resist the urge to buy it in order to rehash 8th grade memories of boys and rollerskates.
2. There is a fine line between love and stalking, and Air Supply seems to be pushing the envelope.

And because I couldn't resist trying to come up with a clever ending, I hope you'll forgive me eventually for this.

Whether you're lost in love, all out of love, or making love out of nothing at all, just remember there's two less lonely people in the world tonight.

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