The Checks in the Mail

4 day weekends just don't last as long as they used to.

I'm thinking I could kill - or at least seriously maim - Joey for beating me to the vacation board last week and taking both today and tomorrow off, leaving me with last Thursday and Friday.

Though it was great to have those two days to finish up my Christmas shopping, he managed to claim himself 9 days off in a row, by popping his initials in the place where he knew I was about to write mine! Cheeky bastard!

And since we all know that 9 days are better than 4, that makes him scum in my book.

But alas, it's off to work I go. To enjoy a long, excruciating day of being bored and taking, well maybe, a few calls to pass the time, in-between whatever book I'm planning to read while hiding behind my computer.

Since half the office isn't going to be there, I hardly think anyone will care too much today. Maybe I should bring a deck of cards ...

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