Quick Fix

I got home tonight to find that ...

Our moronic plow driver failed to come back and do a better job cleaning up the mountain of snow in our driveway.

Even though his reckless plowing left me no choice but to wade through 3 feet of snow this morning, make like Mario Andretti, and floor the gas in order to get my car out, I did indeed make it to work, though subsequently 7 minutes late exactly. Thanks to said lateness, office gossips were quick to pounce on me as I walked in the door, questioning as to where and what I was doing and with who.

Rather than make something up, I simply rolled my eyes before heading to my office, my sneakers squeaking all the way down the hall, until I stepped over the carpeted divider, where I quickly hung my coat and scarf and settled in for the day.

I spent the rest of the morning doing all sorts of nonessential things, attempting to look polished and professional each time my boss walked past my door, having learned last year that looking busy is truly the key to being left alone. Seeing that I was hard at work - playing free cell on my computer - boss was more than happy to walk on by, then stop and question me as to what it was I was doing.

But even free cell got a little boring after a while, as you can only win just so many times before the whole thing becomes terribly redundant. So I opted for doodling. Sketching giant barren trees on an equally barren landscape until I ruined my sketch by trying to use a blue highlighter to add color. So I tossed it out and spent the next five minutes wondering what else I could do, briefly considering making a flip book of a guy diving off a pier on a book of posties, until I realized that it would take far more attention to detail than I was willing to give it at that very moment.

Luckily my friend Mike, also knee deep in the state of boredom, picked that precise moment to call. For the next hour, we went back and forth discussing our views on politics, the state of the world, and the declining economy until I finally had to call an end to it, as I was suffering from a severe headache brought on by logical thinking.

After that things just sort of fizzled out, which was probably very good considering that my head hurts just as bad as it did then as it does now. And though I doubt it will make much of a difference, I think I'll take a couple of advil, find a comfy spot and call it an evening.

Sweetest of dreams until tomorrow.

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