Damn, Damn and Double Damn

Another friggen post down the toilet as my laptop borks out on me and dumps an hours worth of blogging right down the proverbial drain.

I am much too pissed off right now to try to rewrite it all again. And I am much too irritated to continue typing. Besies the only words coming to mind right now are of the four letter variety.

1 comment:

KC said...

Tell me about it ... I wrote - what I considered to be - a great post and then mere seconds after pressing the post button, wham bam boom ... There goes the whole thing up in flames.

And you and I both know, that the very last thing you want to do after writing a great post, is trying to find the words to write it again!

Sigh ... Someday I'm going to buy a better computer, that works on something other than dial up.

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