Hitting the Open Road

About to start the packing I meant to do last night until I stuck my nose in a book and ended that idea before I'd even begun.

KC's not feeling all that well and I am concerned that this trip is going to be doomed before its even started. At this point, I think it was just too much fun and excitement in the sun today which has her feeling out of sorts. At least I hope so.

Not going to be a long post tonight, as I want to get the car packed and ready to go for an early leave in the morning. My plan is to be on the road by 4:30 am, thereby cutting off most in not all of the holiday traffic for my short 3 hour drive.

Still questioning whether or not I'll be bringing my lap top with me, so I can maintain posting. But I have a feeling I will be leaving it home this weekend. Anyone who desperately needs me, knows how to get a hold of me and anyone else, I'm sure can live without me for a couple of days.

With that, I'm off.

Wishing you all a Happy and SAFE 4th of July.

NWTLO temporarily signing off.

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