Jordy's awake and settled back down in my bed watching cartoons, after spending the last few minutes nearly talking my ear off. It's amazing what a contrast she is to KC in the morning. The last thing KC is in the morning, is cheerful. I've often joked many a time, that KC doesn't just wake up on the wrong side of the bed, she wakes up on the wrong side of the hemisphere.

Jordy however is like the first rays of sunlight at dawn. All smiles and good will as she wakes, ready to shuck the mantle of sleep quickly in favor of starting a new day.

I myself must admit to being somewhere in the far middle of the two. I've been known to growl like a bear hibernating in her den at those who risk waking me too early, as well as be described as cuddly as a lamb, during an early morning snuggle. This morning finds me leaning more towards lamb than bear with the snuggle option obsolete for the time being.

Much to do today, starting with getting all the young ones breakfast, cleaning the house and then spending the rest of the day sunning and swimming in the pool.

Sigh ... You just got to love weekends.

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