Maybe A Fresh Start

I'm half awake, just conscious enough to type but in no way able to think with a clear and rational head.

I was talking with my Dad tonight and told him I could really see myself living up in Glens Falls. I even told him that I had went as far as to check out the help wanted ads as well as the average cost of rent for someone not looking to buy a house right away.

My Dad of course thinks I'm nuts. "Sure you like it now ... But what happens come winter? You might be changing your tune then.", he warned, trying to sound casual about the whole thing even though his face said he didn't think much of my idea at all.

But for now, it's just a thought swimming around in the back of my head.

1 comment:

KC said...

You're awful bossy for a person who once lived over 2 hours away ...

Does this mean you wouldn't come for a visit?

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