Always Home

I feel like going for a walk but it's too late to go anywhere now. Still I'm tempted to throw on a pair of sneakers and say to hell with it and just go without any worry about walking alone. Common sense however will keep me inside. At least for now. At least for tonight.

I miss it though. Miss being able to go outside and gaze at a star filled sky. Miss falling asleep to the throaty calls of bull frogs in the pond and a chorus of singing crickets. Sounds that I don't hear here.

But it is exactly what it is. And I've got to get used to this. At least for now.

I'm thankful that I do have - all things considered - a pretty nice home to come home to. And my house agrees with me. Every color, every picture, every piece of furniture that I own, is a perfect fit. A perfect definition of who I am and what I like.

Now if I only had a yard and a tree to measure the passage of time.

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