
I'm so tired that I'm yawning every other second questioning my reasoning for still being awake. And honestly, there isn't a single reason at this point. I'm here because I had intended to post a story about my new bright red coffee grinder I purchased last night at Target and the subsequent use of it this morning... And how geeked up I was over just how good my coffee tasted along with a few words to ramble on about why it is the cord to the grinder was so short and how my own shortness should have equaled out the distance from me to the electrical outlet but didn't.

These were all thoughts I had in my head this morning when I was awake. They were much more laid out then, they had a rhythm and a pattern and now, now the only thing I want to think about is myself, in my bed, in my cool, dark room... Sleeping.

So I don't know... Maybe I'll come back to the coffee grinder story or maybe this will end up being all you'll get.

Who knows? At this point, not me.

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