Roasted Nuts

Can I simply blog to say I'm too tired to blog or does that seem a bit ridiculous?

What can I say? My house tackled me and forced me to clean it up from top to bottom... Or to be more truthful, the rooms that really needed cleaning made me anti up with a dish cloth and a vacuum cleaner. Needless to say, getting the house back in order took precedence tonight over writing my Ren Fest review...

However I have to leave you with a highlight because I found it quite silly and funny and maybe a wee bit on the it had to be said side of a portion of a conversation. So there we were, heading downhill on a gravel path when a man carrying an unnamed number of roasted nuts in carrot shaped bags called out, "Would you like to grab me nuts?" And me, being the type of girl who is quick on the draw when it comes to comebacks, sidles up to him and replied, "Believe it or not, that's not the first time I've been asked that..."

Thus proving my point (yet again, and again) that my mouth works of its own accord.

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