Friday Highlights (Or Lowlights)

1. Had a nasty little spill earlier this afternoon that I'm only starting to feel just now. I laughed at the time, but I'm not laughing now and to make matters worse, I'm completely out of any over the counter pain meds.

2. I brake for chipmunks.

3. I realized yesterday that my daughter looks like a child sized version of Scarlett Johansson.

4. One fish in my tank has died due to an unforseen tank ailment, but I am currently treating the rest after having dashed off to the fish store, complete with a photo of one of my fish on my cell phone to show the owner so he could help me figure out what's gone wrong and help me pick out the right medication... My fish are addicts!

5. On the bright side, if they all die I've decided to switch over to a saltwater tank. The fish are cuter...

6. They're also more expensive.

7. The guy at the fish store thinks I'm a complete nut.

8. I really don't have anything to write about tonight.

9. I'm going to bed.

10. I have no life.

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