Vacation: Day 1

Today marks my first official day of being on vacation and though I'm not going anywhere special, save for a few day trips here, there and home to the mountains, it's not going to be anything close to being an earth shattering week, which is exactly what I both need and want.

So as of today I'm not worrying anymore about what might be on my desk to do at work. I'm not going to check a thing. Not my email, my voicemail, nothing... This girl is going incommunicado for the next seven days whether anyone likes it or not because darn it, I deserve some down time.

For now however I'm waiting for KC to get out of bed. At a friend's house last night until late for a birthday/bonfire, she's taking advantage of Mom not having to be anywhere at all and sleeping in. Unfortunately she can only sleep for so long, and eventually I'm going to have to go in and rouse her from her slumber so we can get a move on the day. There is school shopping still to be done after all, and no better day than Monday to get it done when the stores aren't as busy as they can be.

As for me, I'm off to make coffee and maybe a piece of toast for breakfast, throw the load from the wash into the dryer, and then get myself motivated with a long, hot shower.

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