I'm beginning to believe that my daughter talks more than I do... Something I might add I didn't think at all humanly possible. But for the last fifteen minutes - though it could be more - the kid has been singing herself silly in the living room. Something that I wish she'd stop doing since it's distracting as hell when I'm trying to find something to write about this morning. And if you ask me, she's doing it on purpose just to be, well... Hell bent on being eleven, which is synonymous with annoying for those of you who may be wondering.
In other news...

Tori Amos tickets went on sale yesterday for an upcoming concert near me and I - unlike the time before when I bought two front row tickets in favor of paying my overdue energy bill (which quite literally left me in the dark one night when I got home) I opted out. And as surprised as I am to say this, I really don't care. Maybe I'm growing up, and my hero worship levels are going down but it doesn't really matter anymore if I see her live or listen to one of her CD's while banging about the house. I guess and again I can't believe I'm saying this, it's just not that important to me anymore.

Susan and I are planning on taking our kids to the
Renaissance Fair tomorrow since they enjoyed it so much last year they begged to go again. And like a Star Trek convention, there are those who go to enjoy it and those who enjoy it a little bit too much. Every year it gets harder and harder to pick the people out who get paid to be in costume from the people who merely wait for the opportunity to speak with phony English accents and wear clothes that do little to keep their breasts from spilling out in every direction. Thankfully I've yet to give in to this affliction myself, leaving my breasts sufficiently covered up (for the most part anyway) for the time being.
I do however look forward to what has now become a tradition of sorts for KC and I... And once again, we'll make sure to make a beeline for the caricature booth to get our picture drawn. What we'll end up being this year is anyone's guess... After all, once you've been a Princess, a Queen, a Fairy and an Elf... What's left?
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