Driving Along...

Heading out of town for the day, maybe the night... Not quite so sure what the exact plan of action is just yet. Do know that I am - for all intents and purposes - going home to the one place that if I were able to simply pack it all up and go, I would have been gone years ago.

Anyhoo it should be a fun day. KC and I will get to talk over a few things in the car, that is if she doesn't opt for playing her DS the entire ride, visit with Grams who doesn't have a clue were on our way, and maybe take in some shopping and scenery while we're there.

It's a lot to do in just one day and I probably should have thought this out much better than I did, but oh well... Moments like these you just got to fly by the seat of your pants and hope it all goes just as it should.

For those of you out there who may need to contact me, you know how...

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