My Mother is starting to confuse me with comments left under different user names. But I have to admit this Coyote Girl thing is weirding me out... I mean really... How many different personalities is one woman allowed to have? And should I consider this like some sort of cry for help? Or is this simply yet another case of Mom forgetting her password to her google account and needing to make up another to be able to leave a comment? Something tells me one of my guesses isn't too far off the mark... Then again, as I've already managed a conversation with her earlier on, it wouldn't be fair if I didn't admit that I already know the answer... Still it does make one ponder the question...
The "Binky" thing however has got to go. I don't know how many times I've got to object to this new found nickname that my Uncle Scott decided after 32 years I suddenly needed to have, but here I am, objecting once again.
I object. I object on the moral high ground of not wanting to be called Binky. And seriously, if I needed to have a nickname - which for all intents and purposes, I don't - Binky wouldn't even be my last choice, let alone a choice at all. And I've had nicknames, nicknames that don't need repeating... Although Brat was close to accurate, Spacey had a certain ring to it, and Stay Free was more atune to certain times of the month than anything else. However, if it needs repeating and obviously we've reached the point in the road where it does, I'm absolutely insisting that Uncle Scott reprogram his cell to read Stacey and not Binky when he calls me... And as for my Mother, need I remind her who (WHO!) is listed as her second health care proxy! One more word of Binky and I'm pulling the plug on the root canal!
come on - I think thous dost protest too much. Binky is just a term of endearment from someone who loves you (related to you even - not to mention the love is reciprocal)...I think you secretely like ot or you wouldn't have posted it on your blog....
I think I needed something to blog about and Binky seemed like a good subject, since I might add YOU'RE the one who brought it up...
And seriously, what happened to Coyote Girl? I was just beginning to like her...
Alas... YM has returned.
; )
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