"Love," resumed Gus, when he had bolted another portion, 'is letting be. Letting the other be as they are. Like you with the napkins.' Of course my agitation had not escaped his notice. 'Wanting to help them be that, not by doing anything - you can't do anything for anyone anyway - but simply by wanting them to be nothing other than they are, because that's who they are so that is how you want them to be: as they are, whatever that may be. Just that. Easy-peasy, I don't think.'
The Other Side Of You
A Novel by Sally Vickers
I said the same thing myself. Not really realizing what it was that I was saying. But now I get it. For the first time in my life, I was completely and honestly in love with more than just the idea of what love could and should be.
And right now it's me who is a little bit amazed. I really did love him. Loved the person that he is, was, will be and has been.

I told him to just be. And though this may not seem like anything earth shattering to any of you, it's a downright amazing thing to me. This heart has never once found a man before him that made her feel complete or even strong enough to take a chance on something and someone. And even now, now that I know the ending that happened months ago was the beginning, middle and end, remembering the sound of him falling asleep on the phone, or all the other little words and phrases that became a language spoken between the two of us, well that's enough to warm my heart and make me smile and hope that he's out there being exactly who he is. No more. And no less.
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