Friday the 13th Revisited

I must be completely insane!

Goodness only knows what I was thinking when I offered to take my niece and nephew, along with KC - who at the moment is in high druthers again - to spend what should have been a quiet non-assuming Saturday night.

And yet now I have a full house.

The two girls upstairs are playing Barbies, minus any Ken's ... Because quite frankly I know what I used to have Ken and Barbie doing at that age, and so we have determined, for tonight anyways that life is easier without men, plastic or not.

Which doesn't include J, but only because he's still at that gawky in-between stage. And since he's reading over my shoulder at the moment, I don't feel the slightest bit bad about saying that. And while he does happen to be reading along, let me take a moment to remind him that he really shouldn't be reading his Aunt's blog. Not only is some commentary a bit too adult for him, but if he happens to go spilling the beans to his mother, life could be somewhat difficult.

Although I really have only myself to blame for ever allowing any of my family access to NWTLO. Try as I might, you might actually be surprised that there are more times when I censor myself than when I don't ...

Oh well, water under the bridge now.

As for me, and this moment in time, it's time to go get a little proactive with the kiddies. Anything and everything to tire them out early and get this night over with.

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