As Sunday Night Approaches

Well it's been a nice quiet weekend, which turns out to be no big surprise since most of the time they are, usualy quiet that is, though this one quieter than others.

KC is currently in the downstairs bathroom singing over the sound of the water running and though I should probably see what havoc she is causing, I'm in the mindset right now that I just don't want to know. A mindset I will most liklely come to regret after realizing she's flooded the entire downstairs with whatever today's scientific experiment in the bathroom happens to be ... So much for thinking someday she'd outgrow this charming little habit.

Nothing on the docket today other than picking up around the house, throwing in some laundry and spending the rest of the day in a typical Sunday fashion waiting for the night to take over and give way to Monday.

The fact that I have limited funds also means staying close to home. KC and I hit the stores yesterday for some more early back to school shopping and spent quite a bit on matching tops and skirts for my little fashionista. This year KC has decided that she wants more input in the clothes she wears, rather than letting Mom's good taste rule the day.

All in all, it's not too much a problem considering I approve of most everything she likes. Although, I did object to buying her the Yankees baseball cap she wanted, but only because I refused to pay $20.00 for a non-essential item and figured if she wanted it that bad, she could ask her Dad to get it for her - big Yankees fan that he is - the next time she visits him for the weekend.

We also stopped at the store to buy some supplies to make soup for tonight's dinner. Carrots, celery, broth, chicken and of course, the star of the show, tubettini. Considering her interest lately in the kitchen, questioning the ethnicity of everything I make, I figure it's about time I start her education in making some of the family favorites, like both my Mother and my Grandmother showed me.

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