The Unfairness of it All

Another morning of nonmotivation to get up and get going.

Emma is currently sitting right next to me, close to the side of the computer as I type, hoping for a quick pat inbetween the tapping of the keys. She really is quite spoiled, considering that every time she rubs her face against the side of my arm, I stop what I am doing to scratch behind her ears. Sometimes I wonder who has got who trained ...

KC was quite upset with me last night when I sent her to bed. With my nephew spending the night, the minor child had gotten it into her head that she was going to stay up as late as she wanted to. A big I don't think so on my part, and her walking papers upstairs, mini me flashed a look of utter discontent and dragged blanket and all behind her, grimacing all the way regarding the unfairness of life.

I considered giving the my house, my rules and when you are 18 speech, but decided against it. Tired as she was, I doubted that her bluster could last all that long before sleep came to call. And I was right, five minutes later not a peep could be heard from her room.

As for my nephew, currently snoring on the living room couch, I have a feeling he's going to regret his choice very soon of staying up as late as he obviously did. Try as I might to be quiet in the morning, he's little hope of sleeping through the hair dryer, and a round of cursing when it becomes obvious I am about to have a very bad hair day.

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