Monday Morning

Damn. Monday morning already and I feel as if I didn't get a wink of sleep. With so many dreams giving voice to every single thought inside my head, it's no wonder I woke up restless this morning, more tired than if I hadn't gone to bed at all. And though it was only a few minutes ago, I can't remember what song it was that woke me up. Different today, because I listened to the whole thing in its entirety, before reaching over to press the snooze button and falling promptly back to sleep.

But it made me think of someone. Though at first the name was on the tip of my tongue and I was having trouble forming the word around it. Remembering just then part of my dream of taking KC to dance class but having to cross a wide expansion of bridge where other than where the wheels should go, there was absolutely no road to follow. A bridge to an island of sorts, I was reluctant to cross.

And then there was a house. More a mansion, to be honest. Opulent in its dressing, from stately pictures hanging on the walls to velvet curtains draping the windows, with a staircase that when you looked, seemed to go on forever. And we were planning a party. But I couldn't tell you who the party was for.

But the house, despite its grandness, and its beauty was a cold house. The kind of house where you feel as if it has eyes, watching your every move. It was all very Hotel California-ish.

So all in all, waking up today wasn't a horribly bad thing considering that my dream was about to take a downward trend and I have relearned a valuable lesson ...

No more scary movies before bed.

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