Happy Friday to Me

About to put on my happy shoes and dance a jig in honor of Friday, regardless of the fact that I have two left feet and absolutely no rhythm. And though I know what you're thinking, your faith in me overwhelming, that maybe, just maybe I am being a little bit overdramatic this morning in regards to my dancing skills ... Rest assured, no poetic license was required to make this unfortunate statement of truth. Like Phil Collins - or was it Genesis - said, "I can't dance." I can however sing, which doesn't always limit itself to operatic movements in the shower. Besides, after five minutes, the hot water has pretty much tanked out and left me in the cold before I've barely even begun Eponine's love song from Les Miserable.

"And now I'm all alone again ..."

Which is not entirely true since KC is upstairs sleeping her last few minutes of sleep and my nephew J, for the second night in a row, is camped out on my couch. And despite the time, the one that is telling me right now to wrap this out and get moving if I plan on being on time for work, I am loathe to leave my chair, my keyboard, and quite frankly my house.

Still, there can be no calling out today. It would look mighty bad, considering I am on vacation all next week. (Yay for me!)

And tonight, I'm even going to celebrate with a much needed happy hour with friends. Though trouble seems to tag along to these events whenever Mike, Sean O' and myself are in the same room. I suppose it has something to do with the Gemini effect.

1 comment:

KC said...

Chi ... Had plenty of fun. Hope a little bit of it finds itself heading your way this weekend.

Bren ... Signing off in moments and will give a call. Getting out of the house seems like just the thing to do ... Although it may be with sans company.

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