The answer was no. No he did not get a kiss last night and no he did not get a kiss this afternoon either... Now before that statement has anyone thinking I let him stay the night, let me clarify by saying that I said yes to a second date this afternoon... (Did I ever mention that once I decide to do something, I do jump in with both feet and start swimming?)
Today's date consisted of trekking about the back trails of my local town park, furthering our conversation from where we had left off last night. To be honest, it was kind of nice, this walking and talking thing we were doing. I guess in my bizarre little world, I never really knew what the whole dating thing could really be like. This whole concept of doing things that don't consist of racing into a bedroom first is new to me... Which is not to say I've employed that maneuver with a vast amount of men, but I have been known to make that mistake thinking I was taking the fast track to gaining someones affections only to learn that I'd succeeded in making myself feel like a fool instead...
Maybe I should have been on this turtle kick years ago. Then again I am a slow learner when it comes to matters of the heart.
I did however learn something important last night. I learned that I need to expect more and not less from any man I allow in my life and I need to speak up when something makes me uncomfortable like the whole hand on leg episode in the theater. And I'm glad I did, because all in all it was an enjoyable evening...
Perhaps my faith in men - as well as myself - is on its way to being restored.
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