Okay... So here it is, right or wrong...
Yes... I hope he decides to call back and finish the conversation we started last night.
No... This doesn't mean I'm going to put my life on hold either way... Like I said earlier, it's time to move in a forward direction.
Yes... I still have good feelings about him... I know he's trying to change his circumstances and the best motivator he has to make those changes is himself. I hope he makes those changes because it's what he wants to do.
No... That doesn't mean I won't explore my feelings for someone else should I find myself interested in one of my future dates... And yes, I am going on a date later on this weekend. (And please God, let him be normal and not a psychopath...)
Yes... I know there's plenty of people out there who don't want me to have anything to do with him anymore, one of which includes my daughter who was upset last night when she realized who I was talking with on the phone.
No... I wasn't impressed with KC's antics to distract me, or eavesdrop on the conversation... But yes, I understood that she (as children are prone to do when they reach an age of mildly understanding human relationships) was honing in on her own protection instincts.
Yes... I did sit down with KC and explain that although my conversation wasn't any of her business and her behavior was both downright rude and unacceptable, I could understand why she had that reaction. I also assured her that as an adult, that it's my job to make good and responsible decisions for the both of us.
No... I haven't yet finalized all my plans for this weekend... But yes, I'm about to pick up my phone and do that in just a few minutes.
Yes... I did get lost once today (and I have to add this in here, because to know me is to know that I have absolutely no sense of direction) but found my way despite my friend Paul's horrid directions. And since it was a favor between my job and his that brought me there in the first place, he should be damn thankful I didn't smack him over the head for making the directions much more complicated than they had to be... The nerve!
No... I've got nothing left to blog about.
Yes... I have to get off the computer, pick the house up a bit, (figuratively, not literally) figure out my schedule for tomorrow, (which includes a quick trip to Glens Falls) call date number one to set up a place and time, and yes this will be in public and I will be driving my own car, and he can forget about anything more than a handshake in the end... Well, unless he's really cute and then maybe at least a kiss. But after that, it's completely hands free...
Because if I can only remember one thing, and one damn thing only, it's this...
As in as slow as...
Moving forward means change and change is scary. But, it's a chance for a change for the better. Don't be skird.
God will make amazing things happen. Our little speck minds can't comprehend what will actually make us happy. We are too in a hurry to make something happen. We need to slow down and be patient.
Besides, you have the future in which you will go visit a friend in Florida and watch the sunset on the deck of his sailboat.
That is, if I can find my way there...
All wise comments aside, you couldn't be more right...
Here's to putting a little more thought into the thought process...
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