Okay so I'm home now and ready to dish all about tonight and the I can't believe it's not butter date...
It was in one word, a little nerve wracking, well initially anyway. And then I decided to just get on with it, and hide my nervousness with a serious dose of self-confidence that I didn't in the least little bit feel...
Which is how we found ourselves down at the beach at the old midway walking around aimlessly with absolutely no intention of getting on any of their antiquated rides. It was kind of strange, strolling around with a stranger, making small talk about this and that and nothing in particular... We ended our walk just along the shore, and watched the sun go down over the lake...
From there we decided to give the movies a go, and though he may not have appreciated the input, I directed him back towards home using every shortcut imaginable... (I figured it wouldn't hurt to test him early on with how well he'd take my directions... And I do have to admit he passed with flying colors.)
So it was off to the movies we went and YES, he paid for everything, from the tickets to the concession, and I have to admit that was definitely a move in his favor. A move not in his favor however was how many times he put his hand on my leg during the movie, or attempted to tickle me. Although he didn't believe me, I wasn't kidding when I told him that if he touched me again I was going to break his hands... Note to self boys, if I've only known you for less than 2 hours, don't think it's acceptable to start getting all touchy feely... So while he watched the movie (Room 1408)I watched his hands and made sure he kept them to himself.
After the movie however, I was starting to get a little freaked out that he would expect some big old kiss upon taking me back to my car and I wasn't quite sure how I wanted to handle that... Instead the turtle mantra kept running itself around in my head screaming at me to pay attention. And there's nothing like picturing little turtles waving picket signs walking about on their hind legs to keep you from puckering up your lips.
But really, I know I'm not doing justice to this story right now considering all I haven't even mentioned which I should mention because it is noteworthy, but I am so tired and all I can think about at this exact second is sleep... So forgive me... I'll be back to quick edit all of this tomorrow...
Like the new blog format Stacey. It came out really cute!! Hope the end of the date went well..!! I wouldn't have been crazy about the leg thing as well to tell you the truth.
Thanks for the compliments... My new logo has me all geeked out with excitement.
The end of the date went pretty well... In fact, we had another date this afternoon.
It was just kind of nice...
And he left me legs alone this time...
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