Why am I tired again?
Maybe it's this damn heat... It's so hot. Even with the air conditioners running, it's not nearly cool enough in here.
My mind is already fixated on this weekend... I have to work Saturday (unpaid) for our quarterly inventory and I'm not thrilled in the least. There's nothing I hate more than puttering around for goodness knows how many hours wasting my time when I'm not really needed there... It's not like they let me count anyway... Not that I want to count at all... I wonder if they're making Mike work? At least if he were around I'd have some cheap amusement... So Mike, Mr. Tired With the Lights On, are you going to be there?
As for the rest of my weekend, Jason has already asked me if I'll have some time free to spend with him... And I have to admit, mad points in his favor that he's (a) asking days before the weekend and (b) that his follow through seems to be following through... There's nothing - at least in my book - worse than someone assuming you're content to sit on the back burner and wait... So mad points for Jason because it's nice to know that he genuinely wants to see me.
And in the words of my temporary turtle icon of love, this girl's speed has been set to slow...
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