All In A Day's Pay

Contrary to popular belief, I have not fallen off the face of the planet, been sent on the first land mission to Mars, or joined in the democratic race to promote my own presidential campaign.

I've been home sick.

I spent most of yesterday camped out on my couch, a box of tissues by one hand, a bag of halls cough drops in the other, all the while watching TLC for too many hours that don't bear repeating, because the remote control came up missing and I wasn't about to attempt to search it out.

Cold compress on my forehead, I slept through most of the day, only getting up when it was time for another dose of medicine. But getting up was trouble. The minute I began to move, it felt like someone was shining a strobe light into my eyes and playing funky I'm going to be ill music in the background.

At one point, I thought that maybe having some lunch would help. So I went and made a bowl of soup, took two whole bites, before deciding that maybe the whole food as a necessity to live thing was overated, and pushed the plate away.

Back to the couch, I fielded various phone calls throughout the day, some from concerned friends and relatives and then - of course - the occassional telemarketer who despite my obvoius completely out of it voice decided to continue on with their speil until I not so gently slammed down the phone.

So here I am. Awake this morning though hardly feeling my best, getting KC ready for school so at least I'm assured some peace and quiet before this day is out and thinking that today just might be a good day to call my doctor. If only they could prescribe medicine right over the phone ... Here's my symptons, now give me what you got.

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