Time to Break the Fast

Top 5 Things I Hate About Being Sick

5. Extreme lack of cuteness.
4. Feeling guilty about calling into work.
3. Tossing and turning, watching the clock for hours before falling into a sleep which is anything but restful.
2. Hacking up a lung ... Or two.
1. The crushing belief that you are never ever going to feel better again.

I called work again this morning to let them know I wouldn't be making an appearance today. Though I sound slightly better than I have in the past couple of days, I feel nowhere near ready to spend any fair amount of time too far away from my bed. Instead, I'm going to do a little around the house, rest, do a little more, take a nap, and then see how the rest of the day decides to treat me.

I also think that I'm going to try to eat something this morning and see how that goes. I'm actually hungry, so maybe this is a good sign that I am shortly to be on the road to recovery. A blessed relief as my mood has been surly at best for the last few days to the point that I am starting to annoy myself. And it takes a lot to annoy ones self.

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