Oh What a Night

My missing gloves are no longer missing.

After scouring my house for a good 3 days, my sister Amy finally got around to telling me that on their last visit over, they accidentally grabbed my gloves on their way out.

My gloves ... My nice, insulated, fashionable black gloves that go with my nice black leather jacket and color coordinating scarf. The gloves that cost me over $30.00, for my needing to be warm with a hint of style hand fetish. The gloves that she had every intent on keeping just as long as I never figured out where it was they disappeared to. The gloves that were only returned once she learned that my poor little hands have been frozen to my steering wheel ever since the heat in my car decided to quit. Those gloves that she wanted to be her gloves but were really my gloves.

Gloves is a very stupid looking word. Gloves, gloves, gloves, gloves, cloves. Cloves? So alike and yet so different ... Who knew?

It's been one heck of a week. Suffering from office boredom, I have instituted a new bathroom tradition. Taking pen to paper, I have posted daily thoughts in the LGR (little girls room) to share my infinite knowledge with the world.

Unfortunately, the cretins I work with have taken to adding their own personalized graffiti - and I know who you are ... Cheryl, Linda, Shirley. Go get your own idea, I was there first!

I've also spent a good deal of time talking on the phone, albeit not to customers. Considering it's the very least I can do to talk Brenda through her time of unemployment, we've taken chatting to a whole new level. I now have frequent visitors to my room, attempting to listen in on our conversations.

I also beat Doug up today just for the sheer joy of smacking him around a couple of times. "I could have been a contender," was my motto. Although I think he said something along the lines of my sting being more like that of a butterfly than that of a bee. La, I could hardly care. I was just passing time.

In other news, because I know you've all been wanting the 411 on my recent trip to datingville, things are going quite well. It's hard to scoop you much more than that since he (Hi Sean!) is a visitor himself to this page. A girl cannot give all her secrets away! (But I promise, if you send money I will be a fountain of information.)

(Brooks ... How is your own search going?)

Alas dear readers, the night grows late and my brain is slowly turning to mush with thoughts of fluffy pillows and downy quilts. Until tomorrow when I bid you all good morning, this is Stacey saying goodnight.

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