Out to Lunch

Today is turning out to be a fun day after so many days of being sick.

I just got back from having lunch with my friend Mike from work. Since I was already playing hookey - albeit with permission - Mike decided we needed to celebrate the afternoon with an I didn't get fired during this year's review luncheon. For someone who always thinks he's two seconds away from being fired, it was indeed a great way to relieve the stress of having upper management around, even if it was only for a couple of hours.

So we went down to the local bar and grill, ordered up the specials and gossiped like two little old ladies with nothing better to do on a Thursday afternoon.

But la, he has returned to work and once again I find myself bored with nothing to do. Maybe I'll dig a DVD out of my collection and relax on the couch til KC comes home.

Meanwhile I'm wondering how the weather is in Vermont ... (Insert cheesy grin here)

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