A Little Bird Told Me

Words have been pretty tight around the blog this week. I can't remember another time when I was finding it so hard to think of something to say.

So I've been all about filler. Just posting something long enough to make it look as if it's writing as usual on NWTLO. Quality of content however, is not guaranteed.

But interesting things have been happening. In fact, this week -despite the watching paint dry boredom in the office - it has been progressing very well. So well that people have been commenting on my chipper morning demeanor. Hmmmm ... Never thought I would be accused of that.

So does it come as any big surprise that I have a secret? Or that that secret should have a name?

I told him I wasn't going to mention him on the blog but since I didn't say his name was Sean, I think I'll be doing okay. Woops, I think I just gave the goose away.

Let it be known however, that this Sean is absolutely no relation to the previous "30 seconds Sean, King of Inflatable Dolls" that I wrote about back in December. That Sean just happens to be one of my favorite idiots to pal around with when he's visiting NY.

But as the hour grows late, and my hopes for arriving to work on time have all but run out, I am off for another day of fun and surprises.

Think happy thoughts.

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