A Promise Is a Promise

Well I said I would so here it is ... The all about me that Match.com has come to know.

For Christmas my sister decided to find me a man. Yeah, I know how that sounds but it's all true. It seems she thinks that since I've been out of the dating pool for so long, I needed a friendly shove to get back in. OK ... Maybe a full blown push.

But now that I'm here, I might as well make the most out of an odd situation and tell you more about me. I'm wonderful.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, I bet you're just dying to send me a message and introduce yourself. After all, it's not everyday you run into a witty, self assured independent, 2 french fries short of genius, sarcastic, well rounded woman with a sense of humor that often makes people cry. (Did I mention they were tears of joy?)

So write me.

There it is, an invitation to you (the reader) from me (the poster) to see if sparks will fly, making ours a true love connection. I can't wait to tell our grandchildren how we met.

Talk soon.

Notice I made no mention of owning a cat.

Until tomorrow duckies, may the force be with you.

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