To My Daughter With Love on Her Birthday

Eight years ago today, I waited - not so patiently - in a hospital room for my daughter to make her way into this world.

It was quite the journey.

Back then I was still pretty young and didn't have a clue about what it takes to be a Mom, still under the impression that happily ever after would just fall into place once the baby was born. Thinking that parenthood was going to be a slice of cake, I wore my rose colored glasses for the full 9 months of my pregnancy.

But thinking about having a child, and having a child are two very different things. When you bring that precious bundle of joy home, you suddenly realize the overwhelming responsibility you've been given. She's all yours and you are all hers, and there's no going back to easier carefree times.

You give up a lot to become a parent.

You change to become what your child needs, and her needs always come before yours. But you do it, because you could give her no less than everything you are.

You love her without conditions. You'd go to the ends of the earth just to see her smile. You'd fly her to the moon if that's what she said she wanted. You protect her with your life, swearing that for as long as you are alive, no harm will ever come to your daughter. And when she laughs, it's all the payment you'll ever need.

Happy Birthday my darling girl. A million stars burning brightly in the sky, could never compare to you.

Love, Mom

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