This just in... Having sexual relations with your boyfriend can result in pregnancy!
Now I don't normally bother with commenting on the things that famous people do as (a) I generally don't care and (b) it's a fairly well known fact that most celebrities develop mush for brains after being exposed to Tinseltown for an extended period of time... Still I just couldn't help myself from having to comment when I read this...
"It was a shock for both of us, so unexpected," she said. "I was in complete and total shock and so was he." Jamie Lynn Spears
And all I have to say is, "Who knew?"
Who knew that having unprotected sex could result in becoming pregnant? Who knew that condoms don't necessarily make sex safe?
Now I'm not going to go and totally chastise this girl. She is after all still a child. And one who is going to learn the lesson of growing up a lot faster than most of the kids her age.
But I just have to question how exactly finding herself pregnant came as a shock? Because when I took my own little stick in a box test to find out that I was about to become a Mom at the tender, and yes - too young age of twenty, the last thing I was was shocked. And though my pregnancy certainly wasn't planned, it wasn't studiously avoided either...
And it's reading things like this that make me take a minute to think about how best to prepare my daughter as she transitions from child to woman. You see, as crazy as this sounds, I do believe in abstinence.
I believe that waiting isn't necessarily a gift you save for your husband, but I definitely believe it is a gift you give yourself. Too many people rush head over feet towards the wrong things. They build on shaky ground and then wonder why it is their foundations crack and crumble.
It's a matter of respecting yourself enough to wait until you know you're ready. And it's knowing yourself well enough to know that when the time is right, you will experience sex as something wonderful rather than something disposable.
And it's about knowing all your options to keep yourself and your partner as safe as possible from disease and from creating a life you may not be ready to take care of just yet...
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