It's 15 degrees Fahrenheit outside and sad enough kind of feels the same inside. And because it seemed like a good idea as the forecasters are forecasting that the snowstorm has turned it's gaze this a way instead of that a way, I've just returned home from the grocery store with much needed larder for my previously bare and empty shelves.
And I guess my decision to not buy bottled water has come back to kick me in the ass because at this very moment, I have no water. Not one single precious drop...
I had been loading my dishwasher when this truth was brought to light. Turning on the hot water to let it run a few moments before turning on the dishwasher was my first clue that something was indeed wrong... Because when I turned the faucet on, absolutely nothing happened.
I must have stood in front of my sink for a moment with a stupefied expression on my face that had there been a caption above my head might have sounded a bit Andrew Dice Clay in it's delivery, "Unfucking believable!"
And though one might assume that the pipes must be frozen, that explanation goes completely down the drain when it was only two hours ago it was working well enough to wash my hair. Therefore the analytical side of me has determined that the problem is on a slightly bigger scale than just this house and me. And I suppose that the work crew with their little orange cones lining the street on both sides in a quarter mile direction both ways is also just a mere hint of a clue...
But since there's nothing I can do but stare down at them and yell occasionally from my window to get a move on and hurry up, I think it's time to settle in, settle down and call it a blog.
Here's hoping I don't have to go all Survivor like and take a pail outside to collect snow...
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