I wouldn't be me if I didn't complain but seriously something has got to give with Spinderella downstairs. Because - and I'm not just saying this because I have the beginnings of a migraine in the making - if she doesn't turn that shit down that she's listening to, I am going to commence with my get my point across and get even plan.
See what Spin doesn't know, is that I am fully aware of the complete layout of her apartment. I know my bedroom is above her living room, my reading room above her dining room, and my dining room above her bedroom. And I also know that I can be as mean as I can be nice and if a simple could you please turn that down and respect everyone else who lives here in this house conversation won't do the trick, then maybe my stereo with some techno Tori dance beats situated by the heat vent in my dining room at three in the morning turned on as loud as it can possible go will be enough to drive that point home.
Listen... I'm not adverse to someone listening to their favorite songs and enjoying their new place, but honestly two nights in and you already start offending the neighbors by being too loud? How the hell does that work?
Alright... I'm pissy, cold, exhausted and beginning to think my head is attached to a beating drum. Therefore I'm going to bed before I hurt someone or say something that I wouldn't really regret all that much...
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