Creating My Canvas

I've got painting on my mind. The kind that includes a tray, a roller, a drop cloth I should but won't use, and an empty room.

My main problem at the moment however is that the room isn't empty, I don't have primer to cover up my current (and much loved) chocolate brown walls and my ability to empty the room by myself is somewhat stunted when it comes to moving two huge dressers without the assistance of a lifting partner.

The image however is in my mind and the vision in my head is demanding to be put to canvas much like my need to write when the muse is upon me.

Crooked pictures aside, I like to think I have a bit of a knack when it comes to painting out the inner me. And I am a true believer that a home should reflect the personality of all those who live inside, or at least the one whose vote carries the most clout where matters of decorating are concerned...

And all I can think about right now is orange like a pumpkin, red like a poppy, yellow like a soft sunrise, green like moss growing at the base of a tree and the cool crispness of summer white, gentle and flowing. Vibrant colors. Colors in perfect balance with themselves and a room that wears them softly like a summer shall wrapped 'round her shoulders.

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