A Tad Bit Fishy

I dislike my new neighbor downstairs. A feeling that is not exactly new, but not exactly growing old gracefully either. And it's quite beyond my comprehension how exactly one person can be quite so loud for so long with so little consideration in such a short amount of time. If I could have gotten her anything for Christmas, an eviction letter would have been at the top of my list. That or headphones.

And I am tempted...

Sorely tempted to put my little radio by the heating vents tonight to let her listen to the sound of my music as she attempts to go to sleep. But for some dumb reason, I really can't find it in me to be that mean. At least not anymore. Although come to think of it, I've seldom been rude without a cause or an absolutely just reason.

And who do I blame for this?

I blame my Mother for raising me to be polite... Although between you, me and the not so proverbial fence post, we all know I have the chops to bring it when the situation calls for it to be brought.

But enough about Spin... While she is good fodder for writing and is unfortunately supplying me with more than enough material, she hardly deserves any mention that might be misconstrued as honorable.

In other news, I did feel mostly better today although I did have a wee bout of exhaustion late in the afternoon. This I have decided to attribute to the hour I spent cleaning out the dirty water in the fish tank and then the requisite lugging of buckets between two rooms to fill it right back up again. And all of this for one stinking fish that I don't even like and have never ever bothered to name...

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