Making Friends With the New Neighbor

It turns out that I didn't have a high threshold for obnoxiously loud music. A glance at the clock - six minutes after nine to be exact last night - was all the motivation I needed to slip on a pair of shoes, jet out the back door and down the stairs to deliver my message of, "Seriously... With the music? That loud?"

I knocked once. No answer. Twice. Still ignored. And wouldn't you know it, that third time worked just like a charm. Of course, that might have been the point when Spinderella figured out I wasn't going to leave until she answered or actually heard my knocking - which at this point probably was more akin to pounding as I wasn't leaving without getting the results I wanted. (I'm very tenacious like that.)

Anyhoo the conversation itself was pretty much cut and dry and went a little something like this...

Me: "Hi. It's after nine. And your music is really loud. And it's past my daughter's bedtime... Do you think you could turn it down?"

Spin: (Insert nervous giggle as I must have had my mean, not taking no for an answer face on.) "Uh... Yeah. Sure... Sorry."

Me: (Arms folded to ward off cold, although this just probably made me look even more ticked off than I really was.) Thanks.

End scene.

So it's so far so good. The music is on, but for now it's at a reasonable decibel... Which is really great because just between you, me and everyone else on the world wide web, her taste in music sucks...

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