10. Cheap wrapping paper.
9. Crap scissors.
8. Gift tags that aren't self adhesive.
7. Ribbons and bows.
6. Weird shaped objects that are impossible to wrap.
5. Scotch tape that sticks to everything but what you want it to stick to.
4. Running out of scotch tape because your kid made off with it when you forgot to keep it in the secret hidden spot.
3. The length of time required to wrap a bunch of presents and write out all the ridiculous tags while trying to disguise your handwriting.
2. Having to use more than one paper on gifts so you know which one are from you and which ones are from someone else...
1. Picking up all the scrap paper when you're done.
I don't know about you but it's a mad process that requires way too much attention to detail for me. Yup... Next year I'm all about gift bag convenience all the way!
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