Why My Neighbors Believe I'm Demented

Okay... So on a whim I grabbed this book off of a library shelf and it turned out to be one of the funniest books I've ever read. I was laughing like a drugged up hyena last night, incapable of stopping or keeping myself to a level of quiet that my new look of librarian with Liberace glasses suggests I might be capable of... Proving I suppose, that looking like a schoolmarm does not indeed harness the wild woman within.

But seriously... I read enough books to know when I've been blessed to find a good one in my hands and last night this one was it. In fact, with a little exploring this morning, I've found another title under this authors name, a newscast that I haven't yet missed and evidently a kindred spirit when it comes to being chronically late at Christmas time. I'm telling you, it's like karma! Karma, people!

You can look up the info online here and because I'm all about a bonus, here and yes, here too!

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