Absolutely Wonderful

I had an absolutely brilliant time tonight. (I just got home.)

It felt so good to get out of the house and feel like me again. Me, as in not a Mom, not an employee, not anything but Stacey in her truest form.

I've come to realize that I need to do this more often. Taking time to myself to just relax, have a good time, and not worry about everything all at once like I normally do.

Since KC's at her Dad's until Friday, I've decided to really live it up this week and do things I've been wanting to do but haven't made time for. So as for posting, things may get a little light around here for the next few days, unless I can sneak in posts from work.

All in all, don't expect too much. I'm going to take this having fun thing seriously.

Besides I want to tell you all about the most impressive thing I saw today, which luckily was not Mike's underwear or his (cough) ring - although I had to use excessive foce to kick him out of my office to keep him from sharing ... (It's so nice to have friends that are touched in the head.)

But that can wait til tomorrow. I've a night to get back to.

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