All In A Day

Another day, another trip to Home Depot ...

Ran during my lunch break to buy paint for KC's room despite the fact that I tried to convince myself that painting wasn't necessary. Unfortunately the pencil marks on the wall where the border used to be, tells a much different story. Meanwhile, I am totally dreading the idea of slapping that first spot of color on the wall. Once started, there is no other choice but to finish it.

Had a call from one of my customers today who was calling to say thank you. An interesting thank you call it turned out to be, as he was "thankful" - and yes I did just use silly quotation marks - for my help in "breaking the cherry" of one of his new guys ... I don't think anyone has ever described my order taking skills in quite the same way. But I suppose when you work in a male dominated business you take the compliments no matter how colorful they come with a sense of humor. I wonder if this can qualify as a dream come true ...

After work, I stopped over to Amy's, picked up my nephew and went to see the new Harry Potter. Not only was the movie good, but I saw Dan D. a guy I lusted over in 5th grade right on through high school graduation. As I told Brenda earlier on the phone - because I had to call her and share such vital information - he has an ass you can bounce a quarter off of. Oh yeah, I was impressed. Once I managed to get my salivating under control, I was better able to follow along with the movie ...

But as it's late, I am to bed. I have a full day of painting tomorrow. Still looking for volunteers if anyone is interested ...

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