If Only It Were Friday

Top 5 Things That Annoy Me At Work

  • 5.  Invisible hands turning on the heat when it's (almost) flipping July!  My advice … Buy a sweater!
  • 4.  Voice mail messages, where the person leaves neither their name, or their phone number, but holds tight to the belief that you'll acquire psychic powers and call them back within an hours time.
  • 3.  Anyone who utilizes the "not my job" attitude to the fullest extreme.  (But persists on telling you exactly how you should do your job … Two words, bite me.)
  • 2.  People who get all uppity and in your face with a problem, only to find out they were wrong and they've just given you hell for no reason.
  • 1.  Having to work through lunch every day just to clock out on time.   Ugh!

And in other news …

Have random plans tonight, unsure of what they are as of yet.  But do know they don't involve going straight home after work.  Maybe out to dinner with friends and a few drinks after.  At least it sounds like a good start to me.  Freedom is a nice thing, but it's just not the same without KC at home.

Ahhh … 40 minutes left to finish up this last stack of proofing.

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