Book Worm

A quick post, and a tall glass of something cold, before heading back upstairs to continue reading ...

I've managed to get quite caught up in the world of J.K. Rowling. So caught up, I am about to start book 4 of the Harry Potter series, after only 3 days of reading.

Anyhoo, since my day was quite normal and boring in every way imaginable, I'm back to the book.

Toodles until tomorrow.


Miss Megumi said...

Lol. They are good books, aren't they? My sister got me into them. *smiles*

KC said...

I am a Harry Potter junkie ...

And yet the truth has not set me free ...

And I've had way too much caffeine intake today.

And I'm feeling a bit Silly.

The capital "S" should be noted.

Don't ask me why, I haven't a clue. I just thought is sounded well.

Oh well. Huh, there it is again.

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