Tuesday ... Feels More Like a Monday

Hello nervous breakdown ... (Heh ... Fun with colors.)

Greetings and salutations from my glorious workplace, where according to the clock, I have exactly 39 minutes left of cave inspired bliss.  Today has been tedious, phones ringing off the hook, leaving my desk looking as if a class 3 tornado ripped through the joint.  Of course, it didn't help that I opted to go out to lunch with my friend Chris, rather than closet myself behind closed doors and catch up on the chaos.   This of course set my voicemail to blinking like a mad hatter by the time I returned ...

Lunch however was nice, though somewhat damaging to my ego since sitting in a booth with my feet dangling 5 inches above the floor made me feel more like a 7 year old than someone quickly approaching thirty.  (I'm still in denial about that ... So don't expect me to exactly be spouting that off like it's today's good news ... Ugh.)

Anyhoo ... time to get things picked up for the night and get to going while the going is still good.

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