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Starting off with a new day, and a new week, I'm going to half take the advice of someone and move on a bit, in order not to seem too stuck in the past.

Said advice - although not exactly stellar in my way of thinking - at least opened my mind to the fact that I am presenting this whole break up situation as if I haven't gotten past it. (Note: I'm not glued to my Kleenex.) While it would seem that I'm not on the mend, truth is I am - although I have a hefty dose of anger that occasionally gets ignited when things get stirred up.

And yesterday things did indeed get stirred up. I'm not going to start on that topic again other than to say that someone who thought a post was about him was wrong, however yesterday's post definitely was. End explanation and story. Like I said new day, new week, clean slate and all that.

Just another reason you've got to love a Monday morning. And all this before I've managed to shower or grab a cup of cocoa. Perhaps more from work later, depending on how the day goes there.

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