And it's a double header ... or is it hitter?

Well, I don't really know exactly what the sports related phrase is, but I do know, that it is two posts in one day, just because I have to share with you what happened on my little grocery shopping adventure.

So there I was, walking down the baking supplies aisle, not that I was intending on baking anything, it was just the wrong aisle, when I noticed this guy rocking back and forth on his heels, as if he was thinking.

One big giant whiff of him, and I realized exactly what he was thinking about ...

Munchies. And the overabundant choices of sweets set like a tempting plate before him. He reeked so bad, I am quite sure, that had I stood there much longer beside him, I would have gotten a contact high.

So I couldn't help myself. I started laughing so bad, I had to have been freaking him out in a major big way.

The situation seemed so comical. I mean, there is this guy, totally in awe of the cookie aisle, and all he can do is stand there and stare while holding a disposable roaster tray. What he was going to do with the tray I didn't even want to imagine.

Maybe he had a hankering for turkey ...

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