When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that's amore ...

Or more accurately, a lawsuit.

I had that song in my head this morning, and now being very glad to have gotten rid of it, can go on with the morning post.

So last night was uneventful.

KC and I stayed in, after coming home from family dinner, watched a movie and then went to bed. I watched some cheesy flick about a Scottish hairdresser, competing to win, oh what was it again, something with a p, ah yes, platnum scissors, in a hair styling competition.

At first, I thought it was going to be really horrid, but to my amazement, it didn't suck as bad as I thought. I even laughed a few times, which made staying up late worth the yawning I am still going about doing. Of course, had I slept longer maybe I wouldn't be so tired.

In addition to that, I feel sick this morning. It's either because it's Sunday and tomorrow will be Monday, or I'm just not feeling good.

And I suppose I should admit that there is a slim chance, family dinner was rigger in order to set me up for food poisoning ... Doubtful, since no one seemed overly suspicious ... But still!

Mom is coming up for a visit in November when I take my vacation and I am very excited. Hopefully, the weather won't be too bad by that time, since she's driving up and we'll be able to do things near and far rather than be stuck at home.

I have to think of activities ...

Anyhoo, I think I'm going to go fix myself something hot and steaming to drink, and then go watch the sun rise.

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